千葉大学 未来粘膜ワクチン研究開発シナジー拠点(cSIMVa)


Futuristic Mucosal Vaccines Created by One Team Chiba - Aiming for a Safe and Healthy Society-

We are working on the research and development of mucosal vaccines that can be swallowed or inhaled, also called oral or intranasal vaccines, with the mission of "Save Lives and Livelihoods by Safe and Friendly Mucosal Vaccines" to bring them to society as soon as possible. The development of mucosal vaccines in cSIMVa is driven by the intellectual curiosity, creativity, intelligence and tireless efforts of researchers and engineers from universities and companies who are leading the way. cSIMVa is a center where not only researchers, but also students, post-doctoral fellows, technicians, administrative staff and URAs who support the center’s operation all play an important role as members of "One Team Chiba". We aim to achieve the social implementation of mucosal vaccines through the collective strength of the entire team, which consists of talented individuals from all fields of work.

In the research and development of mucosal vaccines, we believe it is important to connect with and gain the understanding of society. Through the COVID-19 pandemic, we have learned and reaffirmed the benefits of vaccines. On the other hand, we take seriously the fact that some people have had adverse reactions and concerns about vaccines, and we are committed to developing safer and more reliable vaccines and to disseminating accurate information to allay their concerns. cSIMVa will continue collaborating with society, which shares and supports our mission, to advance the research and development of future oral and intranasal vaccines. We believe that progress in vaccine research and development will significantly contribute to global public health. The talented researchers and technicians at cSIMVA are working as 'One Team Chiba' to achieve our mission. We are committed to communicating openly with society and sharing our progress in the research and development of futuristic mucosal vaccines. Together, we can build the future of preventive medicine.

Chiba University, Synergy Institute for Futuristic Mucosal Vaccine Research and Development
Director Hiroshi Kiyono

拠点長 清野 宏

About Mucosal Vaccine

Immunisation for the new era
「Mucosal Vaccine」

Conventional injectable vaccines are a major hurdle, as they require frozen or refrigerated transport and medical resources. Mucosal vaccines are expected to have the potential to solve these problems.


Self vaccinations

Mucosal vaccines use the mucosal immune system to prevent pathogens from entering the body. These vaccines may enable ‘self-immunisation’by injecting into the nose or taking tablets.

About cSMIVa

The Chiba University Synergy Institute for Futuristic Mucosal Vaccine Research and Development (cSIMVa) has secured a seamless cooperative system with academia, industry and clinical institutes aiming to achieve practical results and facilitate the creation of the research program, “Japan Initiative for World-leading Vaccine Research and Development Centers”, promoted by the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED). To promote sustainable mucosal vaccine development, we have established international development structures with the University of California, San Diego, the La Jolla Institute of Immunology and the National Vaccine Institute of Ghana, as well as domestic research institutes. In addition, we have partnered with 13 companies and 6 research institutes to create effective, safe and secure mucosal vaccines.

In the cSIMVa, an integrated circular three-tier Research and Development strategy, such as New Knowledge, Novel Technology, and Technology Integration, is able to continuously advance mucosal vaccine development, and generate new seeds and knowledge of high academic value. Specifically, we are focused on the development of effective and safe nasal vaccines targeting respiratory infections and oral vaccines aimed at preventing intestinal infections.
① New Knowledge:Mechanistic elucidation of immune induction and immune memory to understand human mucosal immunity
② Novel Technology:Development of mucosal vaccine candidates by optimising vaccine antigens and adjuvants using AI and data science
③ Technology Integration:Confirming the efficacy of developed mucosal vaccine/adjuvant candidates and promotion of clinical trials